
How to read another persons whatsapp conversation from your own phone

I know you must be surprised to hear this. The truth of the matter is that it is very possible for you to read another person's previous whatsapp conversations right from the comfort of your own phone.


All you need to do this is a phone that is whatsapp compatible (tested on android)


It gives you access to your boyfriend's, girlfriend's, husband's, wife's, brother's or sister's conversation with other users.


1.Go to the phone of the person you wish to monitor his/her conversion, open the whatsapp app

2.(very important) goto settings, click on account and then click on backup and allow it to process the command.

3.Now remove the memory card and insert it into your own phone.
4.download whatsapp on your own phone where you inserted the memory card
5. Register the whatsapp with the phone number of the person you want to monitor
NOTE: a code may be sent to the phone number so you should be fast in case.
6.You will be prompted to either BACKUP or SKIP BACKUP. Choose backup and you are good to go.
7.Once it is done, it will show you the normal whatsapp environment. 
8. Now quickly go to settings again, click on ACCOUNT, CHANGE NUMBER and retype the phone number in step5 and then a new number and clikc on DONE.
You can now return the memory card and take you time to read all the previous conversation of your victim.
NOTE: why you have to change the person's phone number is so that the person may not be disconnected because you can not use one number to operate on whatsapp in two different phones.

Hope this was helpful? Don't forget to drop your comment

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